Wednesday, June 9, 2010


The Wold Cup is coming up in 3 days. Football, or soccer as it's called here in the U.S., is the world's number one sport. Pick up a ball and practice juggling. It can be frustrating at first, but over time you can learn tricks and becomes a great hobbie.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Music Continued

These are two awesome musicians with two very different styles. The top one is Chris Thile one of the most amazing mandolin players ever. Below him is my favorite musician of all time Isaac Brock, the frontman of Modest Mouse. Check these people out.


Music is an awesome way to pass the time. Whether you're waiting for someone to come pick you up or no plans on a week night. You can just pick up a guitar or whatever and just play. If you don't play anything, now is the time to start. It's easier than ever to learn. Youtube videos can help you like either of these two: guitar and banjo.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Come this fall I will have been skating for ten years. I'm 21 and have no plans of slowing down with age. It is honestly one of the most pure forms of fun. Here's Louie Barletta the king of fun skateboarding.

Grab your stuntwood and get ill!